• Description


    Picea breweriana, commonly called Brewer's spruce, is upright pyramidal evergreen tree when young, but develops pendulous branching and a weeping appearance with age. Trunk is typically buttressed and crown is conic. As the tree ages, branchlets (4-8' long) droop straight down to form hanging curtains of foliage. Glossy dark green needles (to 1-1.5" long) are gray-green beneath. Needles (flattened or triangular in cross section) are borne on woody pegs and radiate around the stems. Seed cones (3-6" long) mature to red-brown. Mature size is 30+ ft by 12 ft. 

    About Mt. Magic

    Common Name: Brewer spruce
    Sun Requirement: Full sun to light shade
    Growth Rate: Medium 6"-12" per year

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